Thankful for Being Here

It’s early Wednesday morning, March 21st, 2024. This was the first week of Spring. And this is my first post on my developing website. How wonderful to feel the warm sun. and to stop wearing socks with my brightly colored turquoise or yellow or red sneakers when i venture outside.

Am really excited to try some plein air painting this year! Like new moms carry a diaper bag everywhere, i have my backpack art-bag with me all the time. i’m lucky enough to also have friends with businesses where they don’t mind me hanging out in between appointments to chat and sketch or work on a project when i’m running around boise.

My Big Project: i’m consumed nearly 24 hours a day now trying to wrap-up and open-up my sweet gallery, frankie sims art - Heart in Art Studio in garden city. There are so many people I am grateful to for helping me on this journey; i should say for even making this journey happen at all. it’s the hardest i think i’ve every been on. Always a hiccup just when i think everything is set. That means a new opportunity to remember to smile at a new opportunity to learn, even if i have to drop a tear now and then to relieve a bit of stress….

Today, i want to say my first formal thank you to one person in particular, a former co-worker. a few years ago, this kind friend was tuned-in enough to see that something needed to change in my life - and everyday for what seemed like forever, i was strongly encouraged to start painting again. Finally, in december 2021, i took up the “suggestion”, and started painting everyday. i also started making sure i found something educational regarding art to read or watch or listen to daily. Painting, or preparing to paint, and learning are among my happiest hours each day.

How things have changed since 2021. I finally feel like i’m where I belong, and i am so thankful for being here!


If there is something you’re thankful for, please share it here. Expressing gratitude, and reading others expressions, can bring us a deep connection with each other and help us feel even more grateful.


Grateful for new friends and fathers